Use FoxyCart Account on Two WordPress Installs

Your FoxyCart account can be used on two WordPress installs. Because FoxyShop assigns an API key, however, you’ll need to do a settings dump from WordPress install to the other. Go to the FoxyShop tools page on your main site and export the FoxyShop settings by copying the encoded settings string. Then go to the FoxyShop tools page on your new site and import the settings string by pasting it and clicking Import. Your old settings along with the FoxyShop-assigned API key will now be loaded on your new site.

Is there any UPS integration?

I’ve written some code which will allow you export orders from the order admin. It creates a XML file which you can then import into WorldShip. Just paste this code into your functions.php file:

Can I add products and categories to my WordPress menu?

Yup! Just browse to your menu screen and press the “Screen Options” button at the top of the window. Click “Products” and “Product Categories” and now these two boxes will show up in the menu sidebar. Just add to your menu and drag to sort. If you want to add /products/ or /product-cat/ to your menu, you’ll have to add these as special custom links.

How do I sell downloadable products?

FoxyCart supports downloadable products directly (there’s a 250mb limit per file). Setting this up is a two-step process.

  1. Upload the file to the FoxyCart downloadables section and assign a product code to each one.
  2. In FoxyShop, add the products with the product code to match the uploaded product.

Make sure you set up a shipping category for downloadables on FoxyCart and a corresponding FoxyShop shipping category as well. You can setup FoxyShop shipping categories on the settings page.

What are the FoxyShop system requirements?

  • PHP 5.1.2 or higher
  • WordPress 3.0 or higher
  • FoxyCart 0.7.0 or higher

Is QuickBooks integration available?

Yes! Check out the ConsoliBYTE’s QuickBooks connector service. For $10/mo they will feed your orders directly into QuickBooks.

Do I have to use the FoxyShop datafeed?

Of course not, but if you want any of the functionality provided by the FoxyShop feed or need to build your own it is very helpful. And if you have more than one integration that needs to use the datafeed, there’s a feature in the datafeed template file which will let you load in as many third-party datafeeds as you want. The FoxyData will be fed to each of these each time FoxyCart sends data to your endpoint. If there’s an error, you’ll get an email with the exact error details.

Can I use a WordPress Framework with FoxyShop?

FoxyShop uses get_header() and get_footer() and some WordPress frameworks (Thesis, Yoo, Headway) bypass these default WordPress functions. So without customization, FoxyShop pages will show up unstyled for these frameworks. A workaround is to put a static version of your site in the header.php and footer.php or to use the product shortcodes to place products on pages.

Here are some working code samples for various Frameworks:

Can I change the slug from ‘products’ to something else?

Sure! Just put this code in your wp-config.php file:

  • define('FOXYSHOP_PRODUCTS_SLUG','yourproductslug');
  • define('FOXYSHOP_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_SLUG','yourproductcategoryslug');

Here’s a full list of these advanced customizations.

Any other suggested plugins?

Sure! There are a few plugins that work well will FoxyCart and bring some advanced functionality: