Version 2.9: Product Shortcodes
The big feature in version 2.9 is the introduction of two new shortcodes to allow the placement of products or category listings on any page. This is a big enhancement if you need to place a full product directly on a page or post. There’s a couple of new template files called foxyshop-single-product-shortcode.php and foxyshop-single-category-shortcode.php which can be edited to change the design that the shortcode spits out. You can see the instructions for calling the shortcode here.
A widget has been added to show a list of product categories in the sidebar. It’s called “FoxyShop Category List”.
Fixed an issue where the FoxyShop image uploader couldn’t be used when WordPress wasn’t installed in the site root.
The settings page and product menu icon have been updated with FoxyShop’s fancy new logos. The admin was also updated with wording that specifically references products for the status after save.
There have been several constants added that can be set in the wp-config.php file. These have all been added to the Advanced Settings page in the documentation.
- FOXYSHOP_SKIP_FOXYCART_INCLUDES: Specifically tells FoxyCart not to load the automatic includes. You’ll have to load the includes in header.php yourself.
- FOXYSHOP_PRODUCT_NAME_SINGULAR and FOXYSHOP_PRODUCT_NAME_PLURAL: Change the “Product” name in the admin to something else.
- FOXYSHOP_URL_BASE: Set this to “/index.php” if you are having troubles with Windows IIS Permalinks.
- FOXYSHOP_CURL_SSL_VERIFYPEER: Set this to false if you are having trouble connecting to the API because of SSL issues.
Product attachments now filtered to ensure only images are returned.
On product page, the script is now checking to make sure that the fcc object is initialized to avoid JavaScript errors.
Fixed “Undefined” prop error when adding related or bundled products.