Version 4.1.5: Catching Up on Updates
June 1, 2012 0 Comments
Versino 4.1.5 has been released with some patches and few small feature upgrades. It’s been a little while since a big release, but there have been several maintenance releases and some new features here and there. Here’s the skinny:
Version 4.1.1
- Added new setting so show a computed Add to Cart link with each product.
- Line breaks now shown on order page
- Multiship stores were seeing redundant shipping address in admin
- Setup page cleanups and a few syntax fixes in helperfunctions.php
Version 4.1.3
- jQuery updated from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2
- Lots of internationalization updates and a Norwegian translation added (German is in the works as well)
- Added ‘foxyshop_breadcrumbs_base_link’ filter
- Upgraded template redirect function to check for post names as well as page names
- Removed unneeded “is foxyshop installed” checks from template files
- Added settings page sniffers for Thesis and Headway users (there are now customizations available for those templates)
- Fixed bug where subsequent cloud zoom displays were “large” not “full” size images
- Fixed potential warning in templateredirect.php for foxyshop_body_class() with missing array
- Fixed notice appearing on some installs when no orders returned
- Fixed missing default dropdown on first unsaved variation (tools page)
Version 4.1.4
- Added setting for automatic FoxyTools Order Desk integration
- Added feature to add ikey images that don’t show up in slideshow (click the “eye” icon to hide)
- Introduced is_foxyshop() function as a conditional tag which returns true for all FoxyShop pages (this is improved in 4.1.5)
- Tested with WordPress 3.4 and found no issues
- Added action to SSO endpoint to allow interception
- Upgraded to prettyPhoto 3.1.4
- License changed to GPLv2 or later as recommended by WordPress
- Changed to get_user_by in datafeed functions because of deprecated function in WordPress 3.3
- Filter variation names for invalid characters on CSV import upgrade
- Fixed incorrect query match in the inventory update function when all numbers are used for code (serialization issue)
Version 4.1.5
- Added FoxyShop version 1.0 support
- Added ‘foxyshop-current-category class’ to the category list function
- Added ‘$foxyshop_skip_cart_image’ variable so the cart image can be easily skipped (globally set this in functions.php)
- Allow subscription post data to be passed through to external datafeeds
- Added setting to enable email reminders to expiring credit card customers
- Improved is_foxyshop()
- Fixed the “required file upload” feature to trigger an error if no file is uploaded
- Fixed Google Analytics script so that it won’t be inserted on skipped template pages (Checkout, Receipt)